On 20.06.2007 17:09:22, Benjamin Schieder wrote: > The following search still stands: > If some of you have a non-x86 machine and some CPU cycle to spare, I'd > be happy to hand out information on compiling ROCKate. In theory, it _should_ > compile out of the box for sparc and PowerPC. In theory... I have received some offers for this, thank you! Here's the general way to do it: First, get a copy of the subversion tree: # svn co svn://xsanr2oqmett7ovm.onion/rockate/trunk rockate-trunk This will create a directory `rockate-trunk' with the latest codebase. Next, run this command: # ./scripts/Config -cfg tor You will be presented with an ncurses based configuration menu. You only have to make changes in the uppermost block of options: Architecture: Select your CPU (and optional optimisations) Target: Select "tor" Retry building broken packages (check this) Optionally (I suggest you do it) also select the option "Stop building if a package build fails". Then leave the menu and run these commands: # ./scripts/Download -cfg -required # ./scripts/Build-Target -cfg tor The compile process will start and - probably - fail. If the compile fails for the package blafasel, then the complete compile output can be found in: build/tor-*/var/adm/logs/*-blafasel.err Here you can see why the problem fail. To make changes to the way the package is built, edit the file target/tor/pkg_blafasel.conf and adjust it. Look in the file package/*/blafasel/blafasel.conf to see how it is compiled right now. Also, look into other *.conf files to get an idea of what you can do in these files (it's a _lot_). When you made your changes, run: # ./scripts/Cleanup -nocheck # ./scripts/Build-Target -cfg tor Lather, rinse, repeat. This is also documented on: http://xsanr2oqmett7ovm.onion/wiki/show/Development Unfortunately, I leave for Italy today and won't be online for the rest of the month. But you can ask any questions you have in #rocklinux on freenode. It's a low-traffic channel, so be patient and repeat the question every two hours or so. Thanks for your efforts and see you in July! Greetings, Benjamin -- Go away, or I will replace you with a very small shellscript! http://shellscripts.org/
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