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'http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/' blocked by 'http://proxy.emirates.net.ae/'

When I requested the status of my Tor server, I got this:

   see picture: 'Tor_siteblocked.jpg'

The content code of this site:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>This site is blocked</title>
src="http://proxy.emirates.net.ae/images-ip/siteblocked.jpg"; border="0"
useMap=#links border=0>
        <map name=links>
                <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="343, 282, 472,
295" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/assets/document/blockcontent_ar.pdf";>
                <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="154, 449, 254,
463" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/proxy";>
                <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="201, 343, 389,
355" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/assets/document/blockcontent.pdf";>

                <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="603, 473, 687,
483" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/proxy";>

Can you verify this using Tor exit node:

   MrDeath ($c6882c420f7cdda41830eb32ebc36db9032dab88)?


What to do? Exclude exitnode MrDeath?

JPEG image