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Re: 'http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/' blocked by 'http://proxy.emirates.net.ae/'

There's no reason to exclude that node just because it's in a censoring
country. It doesn't seem to be modifying anything, and it'll work fine
for sites that aren't blocked by the UAE.

However, the node operator should consider either switching to being a
middle-man node or modifying the node's exit policy to reflect what is
unavailable in his country.

On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 10:39 +0100, Gitano wrote:
> When I requested the status of my Tor server, I got this:
>    see picture: 'Tor_siteblocked.jpg'
> The content code of this site:
> ###
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
> <title>This site is blocked</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <center>
>         <img
> src="http://proxy.emirates.net.ae/images-ip/siteblocked.jpg"; border="0"
> useMap=#links border=0>
>         <map name=links>
>                 <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="343, 282, 472,
> 295" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/assets/document/blockcontent_ar.pdf";>
>                 <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="154, 449, 254,
> 463" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/proxy";>
>                 <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="201, 343, 389,
> 355" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/assets/document/blockcontent.pdf";>
>                 <area title="" shape=RECT alt="" coords="603, 473, 687,
> 483" href="http://www.etisalat.ae/proxy";>
>         </map>
> </center>
> </body>
> </html>
> ###
> Can you verify this using Tor exit node:
>    MrDeath ($c6882c420f7cdda41830eb32ebc36db9032dab88)?
> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/.$c6882c420f7cdda41830eb32ebc36db9032dab88.exit
> What to do? Exclude exitnode MrDeath?

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