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Re: German Tor Legal Fund

On Nov 28, 2007 1:00 PM, Onion <onion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>This is for germans only. The non-germans may excuse this.

I don't think this only concerns Germans. Operators of onion routers
being sued is a global problem which requires a global alliance...

I agree completely.
>Du sprichst mir aus der Seele. Ich denke auch seit einiger Zeit darüber nach,
>aber es wird Zeit, daß wir den Arsch hochkriegen. Ich habe sogar schon einen
>Namen ausgedacht: wie wärs mit "German Tor Operators", z.B. GTO e.V.

... like
'Deutsche Anonymisierserver Initiative - DASI gegen Stasi', with
equivalent shorthand expressions ('British [...] Anonymisation Server
Initiative' = 'BASI') easy to adapt to areas of other languages.

"DASI gegen Stasi" sound nice but not very credible.
What about "Anonymity e.V."?
