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Re: [tor-talk] ads slow Tor Browser dramatically

On Wed, 07 Nov 2012 16:14:25 +0000
adrelanos <adrelanos@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Will TBB due to ads ever be that slow that the anonymity given by Tor
> and browser fingerprinting defense (TBB) alone just don't make it? If
> yes, they will probable go the "web cleaning way".

Aside from my thoughts on advertising as an adversary, I do think that
the load on the network and associated slowdown is a problem. I only
run a relay on and off but I do wonder how much of my bandwidth is
being leeched by commercial entities. By rights they should be paying
me for it!

> I think the right way would be to give people the freedom of choice
> and let them decide to opt-in for an ad blocker.

That freedom needs to be backed by education: people are only truly
free to choose when they understand the pros and cons of each option.
The simple explanation is that ads = a funding model that many
businesses are comfortable with, no ads = a faster, cleaner experience,
but really it's somewhat more complicated than that.

3072D/F3A66B3A Julian Yon (2012 General Use) <pgp.2012@xxxxxx>

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