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Re: Slashdot banning Tor?

On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 08:48:30PM -0700, Bob wrote:
>  Here my correspondence with Mr. Rozeboom regarding my ip being banned.  As
> you notice, it doesn't mention whether or not my ip actually WAS doing
> anything, it only says that they banned me because I'm a tor server.  He
> made no response to my pointing out that my exit node couldn't have been
> used by anyone to crapflood them.

I still don't understand why so many sites seem to equate IPs with
users.  Or why they can't just ban UIDs and/or prevent *anonymous*
posting via tor.  But then, I can't understand how people can be called
editors and not edit for things like grammar, spelling, incorrect links,
and duplicates.

I guess once my login cookie disappears, I might have to stop bothering.

Michael A. Gurski (opt. [first].)[last]@pobox.com  http://www.pobox.com/~[last]
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