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Re: Alpha blit question

> support both channeled alpha blits (alpha per pixel) and uniform
> alpha blits (one alpha component per surface)

uniform alpha blits are easy to support.
My question was more whether to support channeled alpha blits using
the alpha component of each pixel or to use a separate alpha surface.

Probably the right answer is "both", but if I had to support one now,
which would be most useful and likely to have the best longevity?

> You may also want to think about whether you need to
> do anything special to "support" premultiplied alpha *and* non-
> premultiplied alpha.

I thought that the alpha component had to be multiplied by both
the source and destination pixels.  ??

See ya!
	-Sam Lantinga				(slouken@devolution.com)

Author of Simple DirectMedia Layer -