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Hello again


I spent the last week reinstalling linux and switching to a new
mail system (fetchmail-smail-KMail), including using a different
mail host. 

It was quite chaotic <grin>, but now everything is working fine.
Please use my new address (warewolf@mayn.de) from now on -
Iīll soon abandon the old one.

BTW: Garrett, I uploaded an adapted version of the GUI draft
(in terms of the e-mail tags) to nymnet.com (pplay-gui-draft-2.tar.gz).
Would you be so kind...?

And I also have some good news:
The leading german computer magazine (the "cīt magazin") mentiones
PenguinPlay in itīs Linux section. Itīs not very much (14 short lines ;),  but
regarding the approximately 320ī000 readers...

I however also shows that the homepage REALLY has to be updated - especially
concerning the "for Linux" thing Adrian mentioned.

Ok, hereīs the text (translated by me):


The PenguinPlay project (http://sunsite.auc.dk/penguinplay/) wants to create
with the Game Software Development Kit (GSDK) a package of tools and libraries
simplifying the development of games for Linux. The GSDK will be based on
standards like the General Graphics Interface (GGI) and OpenGL and will provide
libraries for graphics, sound, input devices and networking support.
