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Re: [pygame] Fullscreen mode?

> I tried to use the ability to run in a fullscreen mode today. Works just
> fine, the game initializes into fullscreen and works smoothly. However,
> when starting the game windowed (what I usually do while developing) and
> the toggling to fullscreen using pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() the
> resolution remains the same, and does not change to the lower one used by
> the game. As a result I get a small "window" in the middle of the screen
> with large black borders around it. All works ok despite this. I run the
> game in 1024x768, but develop under 1920x1440, so it looks kind of silly.
> Is this the way it is supposed to work? I've never tried toggling before,
> so I'm not sure how it worked earlier (I switched to XFree4 a few days
> ago). Oh yeah, I use Linux, pygame 0.9, XFree4, Python 2.0.

SDL's toggle fullscreen only works on select platforms. i believe
linux is most supported, but i'm not sure which display drivers.

the best way to switch between windowed and fullscreen is to just
create a new display surface with/without the FULLSCREEN flag.

this kind of makes the fullscreen toggle function not that good
since it isn't too reliable. at first i was thinking to just not
include the function, but i was hoping SDL would support the function
on more platforms. now that SDL-1.2 is here, i don't think there will
ever be support for the toggle function on all systems.

probably the best thing to do would be get rid of the function in
pygame at this point. it just doesn't work at this point, and i
don't expect things to get better. would this be a problem for anyone?
i don't imagine there are any projects out there that depend on the
fullscreen toggle, if there are, you are better off just recreating
the display surface.

unless someone can speak up for pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen()'s
defense, it will be removed for pygame-1.0


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