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Re: [pygame] The introduction of my Google Summer Code Project

Noah Kantrowitz <kantrn@xxxxxxx> 写道:

The problem with chipmunk, and by extension box2d, is what exactly? I
would rather see the existing bindings improved than someone try
writing a new engine. Perhaps make a library that provides a mixin to
easily enable binding pygame Sprite objects to physics objects.

Thank you for your good advice.

Fist I'd like to tell the diffiences between our physics engine and Chipmunk: my engine will be integrated with Pygame directly which means it offers more user-friendly interfaces. for example, a user who use pygame as a 2D graphics engine and pymunk as 2D physics engine, he or she must write codes for managing both rendering state sand physics states of game objects, just like you said before "binding between physics object and sprite", by contrast, our engine in Pygame will manage them all automaticly, and I want to offer some more useful special interfaces for game development like rigid-doll system and explosion system in future. This engine is just a part of pygame which means it is integrated with pygame inside.

Indeed, Writing a new engine maybe sound like a little ambitious and useless. I have ever thought about just to wrap a mature physics library in Python like Box2D engine and improve it by writing a layer for binding and so on, but I'm a fan of physics development, I decide to make it on my own. I know It's hard for me to make a mature one in just three months, but I want to give Pygame users more choices in physics module with pygame and I will improve it with other people in the community for making it better, I hope it won't end after google SOC. And I'm dedicating myself into this project.
