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[pygame] website: add project names into titles

The website should append project names to page titles, ie:
On: http://www.pygame.org/project/328/  "pygame - python game development"

becomes: "pygame : project - snowballz" ( I think this is best, but delimiters could be different )
or: "pygame - snowballz - python game development"
or: "pygame - snowballz"

The reason for doing this is:
  1. multiple tabs have an identity, instead of "pygame, pygame, pygame, pygame, pygame"
  2. history is useful ( I can go, history, snowballz, and find it without having it bookmarked. ) Without this, every history item has the same title, and the URL isn't usable since it's a number only
  3. bookmark title is useful ( so you can bookmark , and use the location bar 'snowballz' to jump to the page. ) Otherwise you have to manually name every project.