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Re: [pygame] Adding __eq__ method to pygame Event class at runtime

I'm working on it. For two events to be equal not only the types, but all attribute values will also have to be equal. I am currently testing the patch.


Jordan Applewhite wrote:
I'm afraid I don't have the skills to offer a patch. Oh well, there are lots of other ways to accomplish what I need. Thanks for the quick answer! On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:08 PM, René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:renesd@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    Sorry, the Event class doesn't let you add attributes(like
    Nicholas says).

    If you have a patch at the C level we can add an __eq__  since it
    seems like a good idea (I think).  Or maybe someone will implement
    it for you.

    Or maybe we could allow events to have a dictionary associated
with them... so you can add methods and attributes like this... So it acts more like a normal object. Will have to think about
    the implications of this...


    On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Jordan Applewhite
    <jordan.applewhite@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jordan.applewhite@xxxxxxxxx>>

        I thought it would be nice to add an __eq__ method to the
        pygame.event.Event class at runtime.  This would let me use ==
        (rich comparison operator) on events in the manner of

        if pygame.event.wait() == trigger_event:

        I tried to do this with setattr like so (please pardon the
        setattr( pygame.event.Event.__class__,   '__eq__',  lambda
        self, other: self.type == other.type )

        I've tried several variations on this idea, but the attribute
seems to be off-limits. I keep getting errors like "TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type
        'builtin_function_or_method'".  I notice that calling
        pygame.event.Event.__class__ lists it as a "builtin function
        or method.", but I'm not sure why this means I can't create
        the method.

        Could someone please point me in the right direction?  Thanks,
        and I'm sorry if this is more about python than pygame.  I'm
        hoping it passes the relevance threshold:)

Lenard Lindstrom