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Re: [pygame] Participitete in GSoC 2010 python-ctypes

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Marcus von Appen <mva@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Arthur,

On, Wed Mar 31, 2010, Arthur Artamonov wrote:


> From gsoc2010 projects I mostly like python-ctypes.
> I whant to make it make up to date and make it complitable with latest
> python,pygame
> versions. There also need to add test and examples that uses new features. I
> have used SDL and pygame I think it will help me. I would like to
> participiete also after GSoC in pygame development. Waiting for
> question,suggestions and ready to discuss.

you should create a (more) detailled plan about what to accomplish how
and by when. As pygame-ctypes is in several terms different from pygame
itself (due to the close wrapping abilities, more or different features
might be implemented in different ways), outline what you would like to
do differently from pygame and so forth.

Alex Holkner did a great job on pygame-ctypes back then, so it's
strongly recommmended that you make yourself familiar with his work
(the pygame-ctypes project exists as an own branch that you should check
out and take as base reference for your own work).


Here is new project description version

Update python-ctype. Goal to make python-ctpyes complitable with latest version
of pygame. Write tests make it work and test on python3. Make every week build that
can be tested by testers. After 4 start making builds 2-3 time per week. That will help
detect errors some incomplitness in early stage of development. Currently there in version of
pygame added new modules such as:
In tests module there is need to add tests that checkout modules if such modules
present on system like SDL-ctypes,numpy,numarray,Numeric. There is some tasks in TODO list
that is in pygame-ctypes repository.

Week 1: Find out all changes of API that schould be done to make pygame-ctypes,sdl-ctypes updated
Week 2-3: Write one every new API feature test. For test on next stages is everything workong ok or not.
To see if feature implemented well or not.
Week 4-8: Start adding and refactoring code to make all things updated
Week 9: Make complitable with major python versions especialy with python3
Week 10: Write example applications
Week 11: Write python unittests
Week 12: Finish documentating code and examples of usage

I have downloaded pygame-ctypes source and had problem it wasnt loading some error was in array.py file. But after downloading svn repository foundout that its fixed in latest revision.Â