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[pygame] config_unix.py bugs?

there seem to be a couple of bugs in config_unix.py (current CVS).

1. smpeg include dir seems mangled, e.g. /usr/localinclude/smpeg should be /usr/local/include/smpeg
2. incdirs and libdirs ignore localbase.

here is a patch


--- config_unix.py.orig 2005-08-04 11:36:15.000000000 -0700
+++ config_unix.py      2005-08-04 11:37:15.000000000 -0700
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#these get prefixes with '/usr' and '/usr/local' or the $LOCALBASE
origincdirs = ['/include', '/include/SDL', '/include/SDL11',
-               'include/smpeg' ]
+               '/include/smpeg' ]
origlibdirs = ['/lib']
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
     if localbase:
         incdirs = [localbase+d for d in origincdirs]
         libdirs = [localbase+d for d in origlibdirs]
-    incdirs = ["/usr"+d for d in origincdirs]
-    libdirs = ["/usr"+d for d in origlibdirs]
+    incdirs += ["/usr"+d for d in origincdirs]
+    libdirs += ["/usr"+d for d in origlibdirs]
     incdirs += ["/usr/local"+d for d in origincdirs]
     libdirs += ["/usr/local"+d for d in origlibdirs]
     for arg in string.split(DEPS[0].cflags):