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Re: [pygame] OverflowError on amd64

Hello Stas,

Am Sonntag 21 August 2005 14:26 schrieb stas zytkiewicz:


>   scr = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),SWSURFACE|FULLSCREEN)
> OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
> Does somebody knows, what causes this and how to avoid it?

I'm not sure, but looks like "SWSURFACE|FULLSCREEN" gives an overflow error.
On my 32-Bit system I tried the following:

>>> import pygame
>>> print pygame.FULLSCREEN
>>> print pygame.SWSURFACE
>>> print pygame.SWSURFACE | pygame.FULLSCREEN

can you post us your results ?
It may be a bug in either libsdl, python or gcc.
