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[pygame] Import error on Windows

A colleague is building a Windows application using py2exe. He recently 
upgraded from Python 2.5 and pygame 1.9.1 to Python 2.7 and pygame 
1.9.2pre.win32.py2.7 (I'm guessing 1.9.2a0 but I can't confirm that).

This application only plays sounds, so it only imports pygame.mixer
However, after upgrading Python and pygame the application fails with an 
import error, saying it can't find pygame._view.

For now he's hacked around the problem by explicitly importing 
pygame._view in the code. However, surely this should not be necessary? 
I hope this is a fixable bug in 1.9.2 prerelease

-- Russell

P.S. I never got any response to my offer of a binary installer of 1.9.1 
for Mac Python 2.7. It's still available here:
and it would be great if you folks were willing to serve it.