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Re: [pygame] Import error on Windows


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Russell E. Owen <rowen@xxxxxx> wrote:
A colleague is building a Windows application using py2exe. He recently
upgraded from Python 2.5 and pygame 1.9.1 to Python 2.7 and pygame
1.9.2pre.win32.py2.7 (I'm guessing 1.9.2a0 but I can't confirm that).

This application only plays sounds, so it only imports pygame.mixer
However, after upgrading Python and pygame the application fails with an
import error, saying it can't find pygame._view.

For now he's hacked around the problem by explicitly importing
pygame._view in the code. However, surely this should not be necessary?
I hope this is a fixable bug in 1.9.2 prerelease

The import error seems to be because py2exe is not detecting the _view module.  There is probably some hack we can do to fix this (like importing it manually somewhere so py2exe can find it).

I've committed this change, so maybe it will work now without the manual import in the app.

@Lenard: do you think this would be ok to do?

-- Russell

P.S. I never got any response to my offer of a binary installer of 1.9.1
for Mac Python 2.7. It's still available here:
and it would be great if you folks were willing to serve it.

Thanks for that!

Are you able to get some testing for that binary by someone on a separate machine to yours?  Does it pass all of the tests?  We need to make sure binaries get some testing before we put them up there.

If you have a bitbucket username, I can add you so that you can upload files onto there.  We are moving to hosting the files on there, and having the main website sync from there.
