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Re: [pygame] PySDL2 0.5.0 released

On, Thu Aug 22, 2013, Marcel Rodrigues wrote:

> Hi Marcus,
> Thanks for the great work.
> How do I run PySDL2's unit tests?
> I'm trying to run the scripts in the sdl2/test/ folder -- directly or
> passing them as arguments to the module unittest -- but am getting errors
> due to relative imports, both for Python 2.7 and 3.3.

If you installed PySDL2, simply run `python -m sdl2.test.util.runtests`.
If you did not install PySDL2, set the PYTHONPATH to the unpacked
directory and execute `python -m sdl2.test.util.runtests`.

You might want to check `python -m sdl2.test.util.runtests -h` for
tweaking the tests.


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