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Re: [pygame] rc 3. please test windows installer.

Luke Paireepinart wrote:
Jasper wrote:
Brian Fisher wrote:
On 12/25/06, Jakub Piotr Cłapa <jpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
AFAIK you ought to switch to numpy (which is maintained). ;-)

According to the people behind numeric, users ought to switch to NumPy
"as quickly as possible"

see the "Older Array Packages" section at the bottom here:
Moreover, IIRC pygame's use of Numeric causes problems for those trying to use Numpy and py2exe, which apparently gets confused when dealing with both Numeric and Numpy. I was forced to unroll my migration to Numpy as a result; updating Pygame's obsolete references to Numeric would definitely be nice!

Just a thought:
If NumPy is backward compatible with Numeric, couldn't we just do an 'import Numpy as Numeric' or something?
or maybe have a whole additional script that imports the specific functions from Numpy as the corresponding functions from Numeric?
and do something similar to 'from pygame.locals import *' we could do 'from pygame.fixLegacy import *' or something, and it would
import all of the Numpy functions under the old Numeric names.

It's not backward compatible, that I've seen. I also noted the 'use numpy' suggestion and tried what you suggested - stuff broke all over the place. I'm in the process of converting it right now.