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Re: [pygame] euclid.Vector2 to pygame coordinate tuple shortcut?

The syntax is
def foo(a, (x, y), c):

Unfortunately, this feature will not be in Py3k.

On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 11:26 AM, "Jørgen P. Tjernø" <jorgen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jake b wrote:
>> I thought I had used the "*" operator ( to imply this?), but maybe not.
> The *-operator expands the sequence passed to different argument slots, so
> unless the method takes both a tuple of 2 values and two separate arguments,
> it will not work. :-)
> E.g.:
> b = (a, c)
>  f(a, *b, c) becomes f(a, a, c, c), and
>  f(a, tuple(b), c) becomes f(a, (a, b), c).
> While it's possible to do support both syntaxes in any kind of
> argument-list, it's clumsy and ugly to support both unless they're at the
> end of the argument list. :-)
> (For simple methods you can do something like
> def foo(x, y=None):
>  if y is None:
>    x, y = x
>  ... normal stuff)
> Sorry if I misinterpreted you.
> --
> Kindest regards, Jørgen.