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Re: [pygame] Update on Pygame builds

I'll be working on the build-bots more today.

My AppVeyor page:

The code:

Important files are "appveyor.yml" and the appveyor directory.

I'm creating pull requests as I figure things out. I think the current set of pull requests will get your Travis-CI working.Â

My near-term goal is to get AppVeyor set up so that you just need to plug in your username/password and switch from testpypi to pypi for a successful deploy.

Pypi has a test site that you can experiment with. Here's my work so far:

I don't know anything about devpi.

If I get it working you should be able to use your username and switch the server to production. My username on Pypi is Paul.Craven.

I'm on IRC #pygame as "professorcraven"

Paul Vincent Craven

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Renà Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

very nice work.

Are you able to tell something about what/how you got AppVeyor, and the windows binary wheel working? https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame/issue/154/set-up-more-build-bots

I've started working on a page which links to all the different buildbot pages(the travisci ones, launchpad, AppVeyor, the "The Spectacularly Adequate Automated Pygame Build Page"), so developers can go there when they make changes. If you put the links to AppVeyor/travisci in the issue above I'll get to them.

I reserved the pygame on pypi long ago. I will look at reviving it (once pypi is letting people login again, it's broken at the moment). What's your username on pypi?

By pypi test server, do you mean you set up a devpi? Is this just for yourself, or are you planning to make this public for pygame developers? I have a docker for setting up devpi, and was thinking of hosting one for pygame on the same server as the website. However, I wasn't sure how useful it was to people?

The process for doing releases is documented in docs/howto_release_pygame.txt We need to always follow the same release process to avoid causing people problems. We'll need to update the release process for the new version scheme, and to account for pypi amongst other things. If it's documented, then hopefully multiple people can do releases and get everything right.

There might be some people on Saturday who will join in a pygame sprint fixing things. http://www.meetup.com/opentechschool-berlin/events/215154142/ I'll put up a news post on the website about a 'pygame sprint' running over the next couple of weeks.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 4:12 AM, claudio canepa <ccanepacc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Great ! and thanks for all the work

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 12:00 AM, Paul Vincent Craven <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I spent the today continuing to work on builds and packaging.
  • I can get pygame to build on Linux and push to PyPi Test server successfully.
  • I can get it to build on Travis-CI successfully and run tests. But I haven't tried pushing it from there.
  • I can get Pygame to build and work on a mac.
  • I can get Pygame to build on AppVeyor and create a binary wheel. Haven't gotten it to upload to PyPi Test successfully yet.
  • While there isn't a package "Pygame" on the server full PyPi server, it is reserved by someone. I'm not sure who can do the official updates.
Tomorrow I hope to improve the packaging and pushing to the PyPi test server from all platforms.

Paul Vincent Craven