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Re: [pygame] Surfarray.array_alpha() bugfix, py2exe/py2app segfault

Zack Schilling wrote:

In Pygame 1.8.1 and the latest 1.9.0 unstable, I've been having trouble using the surfarray module's pixels_alpha() and array_alpha() functions. I'm using 32bpp images with per-pixel alpha and I'm trying to work with the alpha data in numpy.

At first I couldn't get surfarray.array_alpha() to return a proper array (it returned all opaque values, surfarray.pixels_alpha() worked fine).

So I went to find out why array_alpha wasn't working properly. I investigated in the pygame source and found the culprit in "pygame/_numpysurfarray.py"

The following code, intended to catch 8 bit images or images without alpha values, was erroneously catching my perpixel images.

    if surface.get_bytesize () == 1 or not surface.get_alpha ():
        # 1 bpp surfaces and surfaces without alpha are always fully
        # opaque.

The problem was that per-pixel surfaces normally have the blacket alpha, returned by get_alpha(), set as 255, a True value. Surfaces returned by convert_alpha() have blanket alpha 0, a False value. This 0 value caused the failure.

The fix is simple, make sure that the image is less than 32bpp AND missing an alpha channel before giving up on it.

if surface.get_bytesize () == 1 or (not surface.get_alpha () and surface.get_bytesize () < 4):
        # 1 bpp surfaces and surfaces without alpha are always fully
        # opaque.

A pygame developer should make and commit that change.
Fixed in SVN rev. 1903. As long as the blanket alpha is not None, its value shouldn't matter for a per-pixel alpha surface as it is ignored. But a surface with a blanket alpha set to None is totally opaque, any per-pixel alpha values are ignored. Also 2 byte surfaces can have per-pixel alpha. So all there factors had to be considered when patching _numpysurfarray.py.

Once I fixed that issue, everything worked as expected... as long as I ran the script from the command line. Now if I used either array_alpha() or pixels_alpha() in a py2exe/p2app program, I got a segmentation fault! ( just like before the change with pixels_alpha() )

This is next on the agenda.

Lenard Lindstrom