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Re: [pygame] Bug in pygame.draw.polygon

I created an Issue:

On 12/02/15 11:02, Florian Krause wrote:
Hi there,

I think I found another bug. When drawing a cross, defined as:

pygame.draw.polygon(screen, [255,0,0], [[11, 0], [11, 9], [20, 9], [20, 11], [11, 11], [11, 20], [9, 20], [9, 11], [0,
11], [0, 9], [9, 9], [9, 0]], 0)

the result will show a cross with 2 pixel thickness in the vertical direction, but 3 pixels thickness in the horizontal
direction. Which one is "correct" is probably debatable, but Pygame should at least treat both directions equal,
shouldn't it?