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[pygame] ** NEWBIE ** Rect.collidepoint() problems

Hello all,
	My name is Chris McCormick, and I am a newbie to the world of pyGame.  I did some programming in Python last year, have been away from it for a while, and am now returning, and learning 
SDL/pyGame at the same time.

	I've created a simple tic tac toe program to learn some of the basics of mouse event handling, among other stuff.  I am getting some weird behavior with the Rect.collidepoint() method.  In brief, I am 
getting hits where I shouldn't.  I stripped out the irrelevent stuff to create the example below, which still exhibits the weird behavior.  Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong here?  I assume that the colliderect() 
method is a shorthand for seeing that the point's x and y coordinates fall within the range of the corresponding coordinates for the rectangle.  Is that right?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Chris McCormick

PS - If you run the example below, it will clearly list out all hits.  Change the coords variable to try out different inputs.

<------ Start of code -------->

#! /usr/bin/env python
## tic_tac_toe.py - A learning exercise

import pygame

def main():
#Initialize Everything
    rect_list = []
    rect1 = pygame.Rect(20,20,70,70)        # Rectangle for tile1
    rect2 = pygame.Rect(90,20,140,70)       # Rectangle for tile2
    rect3 = pygame.Rect(160,20,210,70)      # Rectangle for tile3
    rect4 = pygame.Rect(20,90,70,140)       # Rectangle for tile4
    rect5 = pygame.Rect(90,90,140,140)      # Rectangle for tile5
    rect6 = pygame.Rect(160,90,210,140)     # Rectangle for tile6
    rect7 = pygame.Rect(20,160,70,210)      # Rectangle for tile7
    rect8 = pygame.Rect(90,160,140,210)     # Rectangle for tile8
    rect9 = pygame.Rect(160,160,210,210)    # Rectangle for tile9

    # Create list of squares

    # Coordinates to check in rectangle
    coords = (181,179)

    # Loop to check for point in rectangles
    for i in range(9):
        print "Rect", i, rect_list[i],
        if rect_list[i].collidepoint(coords):
            print "Match - ", coords
            print "No match"

if __name__ == '__main__': main() 

<------ End of code ----->

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