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Re: [pygame] Pygame and WxWindows

is there a survey of polygon filling algorithms somewhere?  I can think
of a faster one than scanline filling off the top of my head.  Assuming
scanline filling is what I assume it to be.


On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 11:04, Pete Shinners wrote:
> Mike Wagman wrote:
> > I found the draw polygon on pygame seems slow and got the code working
> > better under just pygame. pmf is my own file extension and stands for
> > pyrism map file.
> faster polygon draw? i guess that is for filled polygons right? how did you 
> speed it up? the pygame version does scanline filling. it is not crazy 
> optimized, but should be pretty efficient.
  Shandy Brown                               Digital Thinkery
  shandy @ geeky.net           http://www.digitalthinkery.com