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Re: [pygame] Masking Test: Simulated Lighting (Follow-Up)

Kris Schnee wrote:
Kamilche wrote:
Try the following code. It uses a gradient light.

I'm trying to figure out how your example (much better than mine) works. It looks like the key is the last line of this function:

def RefreshNight(night, alpha, light, x, y):
alpha.fill([a, a, a])
alpha.blit(light, [x-r, y-r])
pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(night)[:, :] = pygame.surfarray.pixels2d(alpha)

So, to get around the problem of a pre-drawn lightmask not getting properly put onto the dark mask, you're using the surfarray module to address the alpha channel of the dark mask directly? Is that how this works? I don't recognize the [:,:] syntax -- a list containing two copies of a list, maybe.

Numeric, and kin, support multidimensional arrays directly. Indices are comma separated in the get item operator. pixels_alpha() returns a two-dimensional array. For an m by n array, [:, :] is the same as [0:m, 0:n], or for each row 0 to (n-1) of each column 0 to (m-1). An ellipsis, [...] , can also be used and is dimension independent.

Lenard Lindstrom