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Re: [pygame] Pasting of images
If you want to copy the small surface with alpha values,you should disable alpha before blitting, or it's just blitting, not pasting.
On 1/23/07,
mva@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mva@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Qasim Askari <cassim@xxxxxxxx>:
> Dear All:
> I am stuck in a problem and hope that someone can help me getting over it.
> I have two images. I want one image which is of smaller size to be pasted on
> top of the other image. Can anyone help me with a code how to achieve that
> either with pygame or python image library.
bigsurface = pygame.image.load ("bigimage.png")
smallsurface =
pygame.image.load ("smallimage.png")
bigsurface.blit (smallsurface, (posx, posy))
Add convert() calls and anything else as necessary. posx and posy denote the
topleft offset
to use for blitting the smallsurface.
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