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[pygame] ANN: Two sets of pyGame tutorial videos at ShowMeDo

Summary: Two sets of pyGame videos are available on ShowMeDo, one is brand
new and the other is older.

Detail: Florian Mayer has created a new set of three videos showing you
how to get started with pyGame, covering event handling and controlling
the frame-rate of your game.  Last year Chuck Arellano began work on a
series that shows you how to write an Aranoid (Arkanoid) clone, this set
has four videos at the moment and Chuck is working on the last (5th)
video.  Both sets have source-code.

pyGame Basics, 3 videos, 24 minutes, by Florian Mayer:

Writing Arinoid using pyGame, 4 videos, Chuck Arellano:

If you like these videos and you'd like to see more, please leave some
feedback on the video pages to encourage our authors - everyone likes to
know that their efforts are appreciated.  If these videos make you want to
share your own knowledge via ShowMeDo, I can give you all the help you
need - just get in touch and I'll be happy to help (making videos is
really very easy!).

Ian Ozsvald (one of the founders of ShowMeDo)
62 Python videos in a total of 133 tutorial videos and growing.
ian AT showmedo.com