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Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?


I think that you would benefit from buying and reading
_Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner_ by
Dawson. That book helped me to learn Python more than
any other resource. After I worked my way through it,
the other Python tutorials and documentation became
understandable to me too. My only criticism of the
book is that its later examples use pygame, but wrap
pygame inside of an obscure simplified library called
livewires; I would have preferred straight pygame

(Before getting _Python Programming for the Absolute
Beginner_, I had tried _Learning Python_ by Lutz and
Ascher, but it was not what I needed. It doesn't
describe addition and subtraction until chapter 4!)

Jason M.

--- Charles Christie <sonicbhoc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I understood the python parts (except for class and
> def stuff, but I
> never understood that in any programming language),
> but it was
> isolating the part of the code that I wanted that
> confused me. I
> thought I had it (and I was right) but I
> second-guessed and looked
> around the rest of the code to find the typing part.
> The funny thing
> was that I kept ending up in the same part of code
> and denying that it
> was the right part, and then someone tells me its
> the right portion
> after all, which made me feel kinda... well... slow.
> >.< But I got it
> anyway... thanks for all your help!

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