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Re: [pygame] pygame for S60 update

> It was mentioned in an earlier post the Python will soon be updated on the S60. Any idea to what version?

The new version came out just before christmas and it's Python 2.5.1.
It is a 'rough version' so I haven't tried to work on it yet.

> The test aren't designed for Python 2.2. It will need patching in
> unittest_patch.py.
> A set() is used in TestTags.__call__():
>           combined = set()
> A place in getTestCaseNames may pass a tuple to str.startswith() when the
> --incomplete option is invoked:
>   def test_wanted(attrname, testCaseClass=testCaseClass,
>                             prefix=self.testMethodPrefix):
>       if not attrname.startswith(prefix): return False  # <== Here
>       else:
>           actual_attr = getattr(testCaseClass, attrname)
>           return (
>                callable(actual_attr) and
>                not [t for t in  get_tags(actual_attr) if t in self.exclude]
>           )
> Also the subprocess option probably won't work. So just run the tests
> without any options. Alternatively, they can be executed individually.

Thanks for the info. Maybe I should work on OpenC and the new Python
version first before trying to make the tests run.

Jussi Toivola