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[pygame] squeezing a little fun out of java ... meh

Well working in java continues to suck. I wish I had more experience
in C/cpp, working on it, because then I could be a little less biased
on evaluating java. I mean my frustrations with curly brace completion
and strong typing aren't a limitation of java per se.

I've been reading a lot about the relative merits of static vs duck
typing and a plus on the strongly-typed side seems to be, catching
bugs in the editor or at compile time as opposed to runtime. From my
deeply uneducated standpoint it seems to me like this wouldn't be a
horribly hard thing to do, to add static typing or enforced types to
python. I mean we could make cholices as we code as to what to use.
When it was better to use a strongly typed methodolgy we could
refactor our code. We could use the feature as needed, and continue
with duck typing for normal python ness.

Also, although coding in Java sucks massively and gives me no joy or
happiness in life, I am finding a glimmer of hope and encouragement
using this libgdx gaming framework which at least is made by game
enthusiasts and uses cool terminology like 'Actor' and 'Stage' as
opposed to Canvas and BitmapDrawable or worse ... java.util.List .
Lord save me from java.util.List .

Just a little rant to start of 2012 in the right way.

Happy new year!! And remember. press on, it's only a flesh wound!

A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
- Abraham Maslow