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Re: [pygame] PYGGEL reboot

I have been looking at a few of these, most seemed insufficient but I haven't seen that one, I will take a look.


On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 1:11 PM, DR0ID <dr0id@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2015-01-22 02:27, Matt Roe wrote:
Hey everyone,

For anyone who used to remember me, I made quite a few (unfinished :( ) game engines back several years ago on Pygame.
One of them in particular, PYGGEL, has been getting active again of late, with several people asking me about it and if I am still developing and things such as that.

With all of this I have decided to reboot the project, using more modern techniques (at the very least not just using display lists for everything) - and I was curious if there was anyone else out there who would care to help out?

I have been doing a semi-weekly (took a break over the holidays) video segment on my twitch stream (twitch.tv/ajaxvm) called "Let's Make a Game" - which has been rather successful, but otherwise, I haven't really done any game development (let alone OpenGL) in several years.

In short, I am really rusty, so if anyone is interested in a Python based 3d game engine (using Pygame/PyOpenGL) - or have been looking for something like this, I'd love to here from you.
Or, if you have any suggestions for features or libraries I could include to help make it work better.

last I checked PyOde was still the best physics library, so I'll probably be looking to use that both for phsyics but also for animations of joints - but I don't know if there is a better alternative.
I also would love to be able to find some sort of object loader that would load 3d objects that also include animations or something, as the engine in it's last state only supported OBJ.

That's it for now, just thought I'd mention, and see what interest there might be in something like this still.

Ajax (RB[0] from old days)


Does anyone know about assimp?


Has someone experience with it?

There is a python interface for it.

I have never used it nor do I have experience with it. I kept it in mind if one day I would do something 3d. Maybe it will help.