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Re: [pygame] PYGGEL reboot

Thanks Al.

The mailing group is here:Âhttps://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pyggel-dev

Not sure if I can invite to it, but it is public.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 1:58 AM, Al Sweigart <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I won't have time (nor do I have the experience) to help with the
engine, but if you get to the point of having a somewhat working
version I would be willing to qa and write unit tests for it.

If there's a mailing list for this project, please send me an invite.


On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:01 PM, bw <stabbingfinger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The pyglet author remade the pyopengl interface in ctypes, which I seem to
> recall performs noticably faster than the wrapper that comes with pyopengl.
> This may be a valuable consideration in your choice of wrapper.
> pyglet's batching is designed for 2D rendering, and was wasted on the
> old-style 3D primitives demos that I learned from. In essence I was using
> pyglet pretty much the same way I used pygame. I could not figure out how to
> leverage pyglet for shaders, so being a nub, I gave up.
> For what it's worth, no opinions, just experiences.
> Gumm
> On 1/24/2015 2:39 PM, Sam Bull wrote:
>> On sab, 2015-01-24 at 21:23 +0100, Lucas Wagner wrote:
>>> pyglet is both 2d and 3d. Try the attached (if attachments are
>>> allowed, otherwise consider the opengl example coming with pyglet) and
>>> press F1, F2, and F3 to change between 2d (pygame-like), 3d isometric,
>>> and 3d perspective views.
>> At a quick glance it appears that the only pyglet code in that example
>> is to setup an OpenGL context. The rest of the code is OpenGL, which is
>> what is actually drawing in 3D, and old-style (deprecated) OpenGL at
>> that.
>> It's interesting that pyglet appears to package OpenGL as a submodule
>> though.
>> I'm pretty sure that example would work identically if I changed the
>> couple of pyglet calls with calls to pygame. And changed the
>> 'from pyglet.gl import *' import to 'from OpenGL.GL import *' in order
>> to use pyopengl directly.
>> Anyway, the important thing is that this example uses OpenGL directly.
>> The point of the discussed 3D graphic library is to provide a layer of
>> abstraction over OpenGL, to support loading models from files etc.
>> This way you would be able to load a model and draw it into a scene with
>> only a couple of calls. Rather than messing around with all the low
>> level OpenGL stuff.