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Re: [pygame] Mac PyGame installation question

I would argue that using virtualenv with pip would actually be the better solution here, as there are no special rights required for that setup (asuming virtualenv is installed), and I find that having two pythons installed can be confusing at times.

For virtualenv just follow this guide (https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/userguide/#usage) for setting it up, then execute get-pip.py (https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/) after having sourced your virtualenv. At that point pip will install everything into your new environment site-packages instead of the system one.

If you have any further questions specifically about using virtualenv feel free to send me an email or just ask here. (I actually have access to a mac at work so I can do the install tomorrow and send you a script if you want.)

On 2017-01-31 09:36 AM, René Dudfield wrote:

I think it's best to install the python 3.6 with homebrew. Then use pip to install pygame.

People often recommended to NOT use the python that comes with OSX, as that is for system tools. So it's best to avoid installing things there. Also you need special permissions.

This 'works for me' on my 10.11.6 macbook, and for a lot of others.

best regards,

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:57 AM, Irv Kalb <Irv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Irv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    At one of the school where I teach, the IT department is
    responsible for configuring all the student and teacher
    computers.  They are the only ones who have the system passwords.

    One of my classrooms is a Mac classroom - the teacher's computer
    and all the student computers are Macs (my other classroom is all
    Windows).  I did a quick check today and found that PyGame is not
    install on the Macs (it is install on the Windows systems).  I
    want to contact the IT department and ask them to install PyGame
    on all the Macs. However, I'm not sure what the proper
    installation is.

    All the Macs are running OS X 10.11 El Capitan, and have Python
    2.7.(something) installed.  Since I cannot install anything on
    these systems, I need to give clear instructions to the IT
    department.  I have installed PyGame on Macs with OS X 10.9 (where
    I needed to install 32 bit Python), and recently on a Mac with OS
    X 10.12.

    Can someone tell me what is the proper procedure for installing
    PyGame onto Macs with OS X 10.11?  (I'm hoping that it is as
    simple as downloading from the PyGame download page and running
    the installer - PyGame 1.9.1 would work fine for these students.)

    Thanks in advance,
