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Re: [pygame] 1.7 releases?

Jasper <jasper@xxxxxxxx>:
> Joe Wreschnig wrote
> >2) The Bitstream font license is questionable; it certainly doesn't fit
> >with the rest of the Pygame license (LGPL) very well.
> > 
> >
> Font license?  Aren't fonts exempt from US copyright, regardless of font 
> writers' claims to the contrary?
> e.g. http://www.boingboing.net/2004/12/26/can_you_copyright_a_.html

Well, doesn't that just cover the font/typeface itself (i.e., if I
draw something that looke exactly like it, it's not a breach of
copyright) -- not its actual implementation (also, confusingly, often
called a font/typeface)? The implementation is software/data, which
*is* subject to copyright...

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