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Re: [pygame] run_tests.py subprocess mode and Build Page extensions


I will commit your change, thanks.

I must admit I took that recipe and used it without knowing exactly how it worked much the same way I would use a library.

How does the async Popen recipe look to you? I'm starting to wonder at the wisdom of using recipes. That was from ActiveState Python CookBook.

I put in one test for it but......

if ret_code is None:

Should we make it try a few times upon failure? If it fails would there be much chance of killing it in the immediate future? What situations would cause a failure?

It might even make sense to move that kill functionality into the async_sub.Popen method read_async().

read_async(time_out=10, kill=True)

I tried the updated run_tests and it works. Killed python interpreters disappear. Thanks for the changes.

I do suggest some modifications to Popen.kill though. First, the win32api functions raise Python exceptions on Windows errors rather than use return values. Second, handles should be closed. Here is my version:

       def kill(self):
           """kill function for Win32"""
               handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, 0, self.pid)
                   win32api.TerminateProcess(handle, 0)
           except win32api.error:
               return False
           return True