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[pygame] SWMixer released

I would like to announce the release of SWMixer, an advanced software
mixer for sound playback and recording.  It is written entirely in
python.  It uses NumPy array operations for fast performance and
PyAudio for audio playback and recording.

At the moment it is fairly untested.  It works well on my computer
using a couple test WAV files I have created.  Please test it out to
see if it works for you with acceptable performance.  PyAudio is
cross-platform, so SWMixer should theoretically run on all major

Grab SWMixer at:

The README file explains how it works a bit more and shows some
examples of how to use it, including using swmixer with pygame.  Look
at the README file here:

Let me know how it goes and what you think.
Nathan Whitehead