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Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?


âAs a long-time member here, I recall many many different attempts to redesign the website. Three in memory, which is several years. Probably more if I looked through my archives.

The model is that someone gets fed up with the current design and mentions it on this list. There's some discussion and then everyone basically agrees that the old design is lacking at least somewhat, but there forms a schism between those who want to update the old site and those who want to start over.

Usually, it devolves into the start-over people just going ahead and making the remake, hoping it will be adopted. The result is semi-promising, but since it is feature-deficient, no one wants to convert everything (and the website maintainer(s) remained basically quiet throughout the whole process anyway). Since there was no commitment to use it, the remake eventually dies and everyone forgets about it in disgust.

Then, each time, I post a message like this and hope people will choose a different model this time.
