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Re: [pygame] Windows sound problem, novice pygamer


Sure sounds like the buffer issue I ran into when I started pygaming.  Try sticking this 
before your pygame.init() call:

pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, 16, 2, 8192)


On 26 Jun 2004 at 19:27, John wrote:

> I'm having trouble with the sounds in Pygame. I'm on Windows 98, Python
> 2.2 and Pygame 1.5.5
> The sounds are crackly and seem to play for two long. They sound very
> little like what they do when played on the windows media player. I
> tried the sounds that come with windows and one or two of the sounds
> that were in the tutorial section of pygame.
> All the tutorials that play sound appear to have the same problem. So I
> figure it is a windows setup problem.
> I found a message from about a year ago that spoke of a buffer problem,
> but while playing with the buffer size does seem to change the sound it
> never sounds as it should. Perhaps I just haven't hit on the right
> combination as yet.
> If anyone can give me any pointers that would be great
> Thanks
> john