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Re: [pygame] Displaying real time streaming images

Arthur Elsenaar wrote:
newbie question; how do I go about displaying arbitrary images coming in over a socket as they arrive. I see PIL has some functions to read from a buffer and has a parser to convert different formats, but I am at a loss how to fit it all together as I am still learning. Also I suspect it can be done solely in pygame?

Can someone help me out on this, so I can understand what's needed? Maybe there's an example somewhere that I haven't found?
Pygame can load an image from any Python "file-like" object. This works for most Python streams. Unfortunately, SDL's image loaders require the stream to support seeking, so you'll need to create a temporary buffer.

>>> import pygame, urllib2, StringIO
>>> stream = urllib2.urlopen('http://pygame.org/docs/pygame_tiny.gif')
>>> pygame.image.load(stream)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
pygame.error: Can't seek in this data source
>>> stream = urllib2.urlopen('http://pygame.org/docs/pygame_tiny.gif')
>>> buffer = StringIO.StringIO(stream.read())
>>> pygame.image.load(buffer)
<Surface(200x60x8 SW)>

This technique will work for loading images from Zip archives and more. Also, don't mistake this for "progressive" image loading, where you can start to preview an image downloading over a slow link. Dropping the source into a StringIO buffer will wait until the entire stream has been read before continuing.

If you are sending raw image data over a socket, you should use calls like pygame.image.tostring() and pygame.image.fromstring(). These transfer the image to a large binary string, which can be sent over the socket, or even exchanged with PIL's or PyopenGL's matching functions.