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Re: [pygame] Re: Problem with display.update(rectangle_list)


I'm seeing a couple reasons why this might not work. 

The most immediate problem is that you're getting the rect of the rendered font's surface, but blitting it somewhere else (namely half the screen away)--but the rendered font's surface itself might not be that big, and so you see nothing--or only part of something.  Suppose, for instance, your screen is sized (800,600).  "surface.get_rect()" might return a rect (0,0,200,50).  You'd then blit this surface to the point (400,300), modifying the pixels of the rectangle (400,300,200,50).  So, you'd want to update the rect (400,300,200,50), not (0,0,200,50) in pygame.display.update(rects).  That should solve the problem...I think...

The way you do some things also seems awkward.  For example, you're loading the font each frame--which will cause performance problems later.  The whole rect thing also pretty clunky.  Others might disagree with me here, but I feel that pygame.display.update(rects) is best only when speed is incredibly important.  Instead of keeping track of rects, I almost always perfer to keep the code simpler, and just lazily call pygame.display.flip(). 

Here's the code that reflects this:

surface = pygame.display.set_mode(#blah)
surface_size = surface.get_size()

font = pygame.font.Font(None,92)

while True:
    rendered_font_surface = font.render("WORDS HERE!",(0,0,0),(255,255,255))



Hope this helps,