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Re: [pygame] simple pygame draw demo runs 3 times as slow as equivalent SDL2 program in Julia


Surface.fill() is much faster than draw.rect(). Try display.fill(color1, [row*widthcell, col*widthcell, widthcell-1, widthcell-1]) instead. This gets me down to about 3 secs.

And gfxdraw.box() is a little faster than Surface.fill(). This gets me down to about 2.7 secs.

On 6/11/2019 3:13 PM, Peter Finlayson wrote:

> Could it be simply because Julia is compiled and Python is interpreted

Yes... and no. Compiled vs interpreted is only part of the picture. I don't know Julia, but there are languages faster than Python.

> perhaps that SDL2 is faster than SDL1

Yes... and no. SDL2 is a LOT faster for some things that modern projects would try to do, and a slower for others.

Having said that, try this code instead. It should get you a lot closer to your 3 second mark :) It uses pygame.gfxdraw to draw the boxes, which wraps the highly optimised SDL_gfx lib.

import pygame
from pygame.gfxdraw import box
import timeit

widthcell=5 # pixels
size = ncellswide*widthcell

display = pygame.display.set_mode((size,size), pygame.HWSURFACE|pygame.DOUBLEBUF)

def run():
    color1=(105,105,0); color2=(0,0,150)
    for i in range(500):
        for row in range(ncellswide):
            for col in range(ncellswide):
                box(display, [row*widthcell, col*widthcell, \
widthcell-1,widthcell-1], color1)

total_time = timeit.timeit('run()', 'from __main__ import run', number=1)
print(total_time," seconds")

The two changes are this

On 2019/06/11 21:40, David R wrote:
Is there a better place to post this question?  Sorry if this isn't the right venue.

Am I doing something wrong -- is there a way to make the following pygame program run faster? It runs in 10.5 seconds, whereas an equivalent program invoking SDL2 from Julia runs in 3.0 seconds (I'm happy to post the Julia code as well.) (I'm using pygame 1.9.4 via Anaconda in Windows 10 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T470p.) Could it be simply because Julia is compiled and Python is interpreted, or perhaps that SDL2 is faster than SDL1?

import pygame
import timeit

widthcell=5 # pixels
size = ncellswide*widthcell

display = pygame.display.set_mode((size,size), pygame.HWSURFACE|pygame.DOUBLEBUF)

def run():
     color1=(105,105,0); color2=(0,0,150)
     for i in range(500):
         for row in range(ncellswide):
             for col in range(ncellswide):
                 pygame.draw.rect(display, color1, [row*widthcell, col*widthcell, widthcell-1, widthcell-1])

total_time = timeit.timeit('run()', 'from __main__ import run', number=1)
print(total_time," seconds")