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Re: [pygame] Starting the pygame 2 series

Hey yas,

There are binaries for Mac, Windows, and Linux with SDL2 on pypi.

You can try it out with a command something like this:
python3 -m pip install pygame==2.0.0.dev2 --pre --user

Also, SDL2 is the default now when you compile from source. You can use python setup.py install -sdl1 to compile against SDL 1.2.

Feels like some sort of milestone close(r) to the finish line?

Apart from lots and LOTS of work on the Color, Mask, and pygame.draw stuff, there are a few more experimental things. Like the sprite module compiled with Cython into C code. Additionally there is the new SCALED mode, for automagically scaling your low resolution game into a viewable sized window (a 320x200 window is tiny on a 4k screen... so this makes it bigger and scales everything for you).

Check these lists out for more detailed info on what's changed:
