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Re: [pygame] TTS and Pitch Parameter

I'm afraid I don't understand - so the script you emailed works fine
for you in python 2.5 on your windows box, right?

So then what exactly doesn't work? I still don't get why you think
pygame is involved...

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 3:45 PM, FT <chester_lab@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>     Below is the speech.py file which will load in python25 from my windows
>  OS. It uses the same command as in the pygame example, no different. So, the
>  same import should be in affect, except if pygame uses these same commands,
>  the pitch does not work.
>  import pyTTS
>  import time
>  tts = pyTTS.Create()
>  # set the speech rate, higher value = faster
>  # just for fun try values of -10 to 10
>  tts.Rate = 3
>  print "Speech rate =", tts.Rate
>  tts.Pitch = 3
>  print "Speech pitch =", tts.Pitch
>  # set the speech volume percentage (0-100%)
>  tts.Volume = 90
>  print "Speech volume =", tts.Volume
>  tts.SetVoiceByName('MSSam')
>  print "Voice is now set to Sam!"
>  tts.Speak("The speech rate is: ")
>  tts.Speak(tts.Rate)
>  tts.Speak("The speech pitch is: ")
>  tts.Speak(tts.Pitch)
>  tts.Speak("The speech volume is:")
>  tts.Speak(tts.Volume)
>  print
>  # get a list of all the available voices
>  tts.Speak("The List Of Voices Are: ")
>  tts.Speak(tts.GetVoiceNames())
>  print "List of voices =", tts.GetVoiceNames()
>  # explicitly set a voice
>  tts.SetVoiceByName('MSMary')
>  print "Voice is set to Mary"
>  print
>  # announce the date and time, does a good job
>  timeStr = "The date and time is " + time.asctime()
>  print timeStr
>  tts.Speak(timeStr)
>  print
>  str1 = """
>  A young executive was leaving the office at 6 pm when he found
>  the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in hand.
>  "Listen," said the CEO, "this is important, and my secretary has left.
>  Can you make this thing work?"
>  "Certainly," said the young executive. He turned the machine on,
>  inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.
>  "Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO as his paper disappeared inside
>  the machine. "I just need one copy."
>  """
>  print str1
>  tts.Speak(str1)
>  tts.Speak('Haah haa, haah, haa!')
>  print
>  tts.SetVoiceByName('MSMike')
>  tts.Speak("Now we are using Mike's voice!")
>  str2 = """
>  Finagle's fourth law:
>   Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse.
>  """
>  print str2
>  print
>  print "The spoken text above has been written to a wave file (.wav)"
>  tts.Speak("Now sending text to a wav file!")
>  tts.SpeakToWave('Finagle4.wav', str2)
>  print "The wave file is loaded back and spoken ..."
>  tts.Speak("Now speaking the wav file: ")
>  tts.SpeakFromWave('Finagle4.wav')
>  print
>  print "Substitute a hard to pronounce word like Ctrl key ..."
>  #create an instance of the pronunciation corrector
>  p = pyTTS.Pronounce()
>  # replace words that are hard to pronounce with something that
>  # is spelled out or misspelled, but at least sounds like it
>  p.AddMisspelled('Ctrl', 'Control')
>  str3 = p.Correct('Please press the Ctrl key!')
>  tts.Speak(str3)
>  print
>  print "2 * 3 = 6"
>  tts.Speak('2 * 3 = 6')
>  print
>  tts.Speak("sounds goofy, let's replace * with times")
>  print "Substitute * with times"
>  # ' * ' needs the spaces
>  p.AddMisspelled(' * ', 'times')
>  str4 = p.Correct('2 * 3 = 6')
>  tts.Speak(str4)
>  print
>  print "Say that real fast a few times!"
>  str5 = "The sinking steamer sunk!"
>  tts.Rate = 6
>  for k in range(4):
>     print str5
>     tts.Speak(str5)
>     time.sleep(0.2)
>  tts.Rate = 0
>  tts.Pitch = 1
>  tts.SetVoiceByName("MSSam")
>  tts.Speak("Wow, not one mispronounced word!")