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[pygame] pygame missing mouse events

I've been trying to handle mouse support using pygame, and I've found that clicks are being missed outright.  I've tested my code thoroughly* and the problem is on the pygame end.  I have included the relevant code below.  Thank you in advance.

* - To be clear here, I've tried everything I can think of with no effect.  This includes disabling all code other than the key check in gameLoop(), and also disabling the call to 'handleInputEvent()' so that only the print statements remain.  I still miss click events, with the print sometimes giving me two presses before a release or vice versa.  I only click the left mouse button, so it's not a false positive, and I've checked the length of the event queue and never seen it rise past single digits (sometimes 2-3 due to mouse motion and other events).  Framerates are fairly constant (+/- 1 FPS @ ~60FPS total), and Key events print a normal press/release pattern just fine.  The mouse issue resulted in bad code functionality, so this is a serious issue for adding mouse support.

def gameLoop():
    done = False
    while not done:
        #... snip
        res = checkKeysGUI()    # check what keys are pressed, HW-level
        #... snip
    return 0

def checkKeysGUI():
    ''' check the SDL Event Queue '''
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == SYSWMEVENT:
        elif event.type == QUIT:      # Quit Button, the big red X
        elif(event.type == MOUSEMOTION):
            ''' check the mouse buttons; TODO: do we need to act if mouse enters/leaves window?'''
            updateMouse(event.pos[0], event.pos[1]) # [0] = X, [1] = Y
        elif(event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
            ''' we actually have a mouse click, dispatch it to handlers'''
            pressed = (event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
            ''' **DEBUG ONLY** '''
            if not (handleInputEvent(kdef5.MOUSEMAP[event.button], pressed)):
                return False
        elif(event.type == KEYUP or event.type == KEYDOWN):
            ''' check the keyboard keys vs. our keymap '''
            pressed = (event.type == KEYDOWN)
            ''' **DEBUG ONLY** '''
            if not (handleInputEvent(kdef5.KEYMAP[event.key], pressed)):
                return False

        return True