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Re: [pygame] "Making Games with Python & Pygame" free book

Can someone just whip up a quick Color Theory module so we can easily import all of this relevant information into Pygame?


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Miriam English wrote:
The red, blue, yellow that people have been using for centuries are now often called magenta, cyan, yellow. But many people still call them red, blue, yellow. They aren't wrong to do so, but it can make color stuff confusing.

Massively confusing, I would say. The difference between red
and magenta, and between blue and cyan, isn't just a minor
distinction -- it's vitally important to understanding how
subtractive colour mixing works!

Perhaps this bugs me more than others, because I'm the kind
of person that likes to understand the reasons behind things
rather than just memorising a bunch of rules. And the
red-blue-yellow misinformation that I was fed by my parents
and teachers actively interfered with my understanding in
this area for a long time. (Astoundingly, one of the teachers
at fault was my *physics* teacher -- he of all people should
have been able to do a better job of explaining it! In the
end it took an art teacher to set me thinking in the right


Joseph M. Halvarson