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Re: [pygame] pygame Event

No, that is not a bug. The Events don't have a __dict__ attribute.
The attributes that events have are described in the documentation:
âUmm, I think you are mistaken. Events are instances of "pygame.event.EventType", and the documentation you linked correctly shows ".__dict__" as an attribute.

http://pastebin.com/qfKg2bAe http://pastebin.com/KQN8Fpc8
Thanks for providing an example. I wasn't able to reproduce the problem (that is, for me the ".__dict__" attribute exists and the example works as expected). Can you output your PyGame version? Try e.g. in a shell:
>>> import pygame
>>> pygame.ver
Mine produces "1.9.2pre" (which might not be the latest).

As a sidenote, I haven't ever had occasion to use this functionality, as there are more idiomatic and clear ways to retrieve information about events' data.
