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Re: [pygame] Faster blitting

On 14/03/2016 12:03, Martti KÃhne wrote:
Sorry for ridiculing the original post. I was tired and OP made it
sound like homework for someone else, which happens far too often in
many projects.

I am sorry, too, for what i'm doing.

In many projects programmers take the habit of doing things the same way, always the same way and always responding to people asking for improvement : make a patch or your idea is stupid and i show you how you can live without it. That's normal way of doing. More, some times someone finding a bug and a solution to fix it can be responded : you solution is stupid, i can"t reproduce your bug, you should do this or that. And then... the guy go away and sometime choose another software.

You cannot want people ton invest time in your software when you slam the door when they point an idea (good or not). For the one who have the code, the skiil, the compilation chain, it could take 5-10 minutes top make a benchmark bypassing some test in the code. It would take too much effort for the newby so he can't test. And the manner you respond him will forge his vision of who you are and how you treat people. And will never ever contribute, and maybe will choose another way, another soft, another framework.

If you want to continue alone or with the same 'crew', that's fine, but remember what happened to sodipodi.

It's maybe a stupid idea, or maybe not, without benchmark we don't know. Of course one can work on his code to gain performance elsewhere, but the underlying framework have a performance pattern that can _maybe_ be improved. Showing him, helping him entering smoothly in the sofware is, in my opinion, a much better bet for the future. 99 will just say thanks and continue their life, 1 will stay helping for things or other (writing code that test things for exemple : if he write some animation that test different way of blitting : everybody will benefit from it). _I_ do think that taking time for 100 and getting 1 that stay worth it nowadays. Even if it's 'homework' for ... everybody. (to know if tests a cut in performance or not).

I can understand that a skill user of pygame won't benefit much of that performance increase, because he took the habit of working differently (maybe more complex code, more complex algorithm, more complex way of thinking...) but before being a skilled pygame developer, there is a newby developer and _maybe_ giving him good performance for simple things will let him stay and growing to skilled developer.

just my opinion.