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Re: [pygame] Pre-release wheels

Thanks for the report.

Anyone else able to reproduce weirdo-mouse coordinates on OSX Sierra/High Sierra?
brew upgrade sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
python3.6 -m venv anenv
. ./anenv/bin/activate
pip install https://github.com/pygame/pygame/archive/master.zip
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/illume/b87911469c4e59db387defa09118fff3/raw/b07cae540d069a87639e103ab6f6f5b631d035be/weirdomouse.py
python weirdomouse.py

Close to this top left:<Event(4-MouseMotion {'pos': (0, 0),
Close to this bottom right:<Event(4-MouseMotion {'pos': (495, 394),

Pre-release wheels are on the checklist...
I just gotta stop shaving Yaks.


On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Daniel Pope <mauve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Last night at the London Python Dojo I was working with a couple of Pygame newbies on a little snow game (https://github.com/lordmauve/snowgame) when we came across this bug on Dario's Mac:


This is an awful bug for beginners. It really looked so much like we had done something wrong, storing the mouse coordinates wrongly, because the lines we were dragging were starting from the last line, not the position of the mouse at mouse down. We checked over our code several times before realising that it worked on one of the other Macs, so something must be up with Pygame.

I was going to ask Dario to check a Pygame 1.9.4 pre-release but there are no wheels on PyPI. It would be great if we could get wheels onto PyPI so that we can start testing on more systems. pip doesn't consider pre-release versions for installation unless you specify --pre on the command line so this wouldn't interfere with getting the stable version normally.
