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Re: [pygame] people hating python for game dev.

Chris Ashurst wrote:
Sure thing.


It's a tad untidy, and I shoved some of my own stuff in there, but it's got
the comments from the original author liberally sprinkled throughout.
Ah, not to say anything negative about your code,
since the number of opcodes is small,
the whole "if -elif" branch (which in a C++ emu would probably be a switch)
is okay because it's concise.
However, in a larger subset of opcodes,
it starts too look ugly and hard to manage.
I know there's a more elegant approach to this,
and I've thought about it a lot.
You have any ideas on this?
the reason I ask is because I'm writing a
CPU emulator that has ~57 opcodes
and 13 addressing modes and
I really don't want a giant if-elif branch.
I don't care if there's a slight speed hit
by making them classes or functions or something.
My goal is to make the code understandable
and pretty, not fast.  I can make it fast later
if I need to.  I'm not going to try to write optimized code
off the bat.
So if you have any idea on how to implement the opcodes
in a less-switchy way, I'd appreciate the input.